Sunday, March 28, 2021

Gathered Safely Under His Wing

Gathered Safely Under His Wing
Do you hear the call, like a hen?
With raised wings calls for protection.
The Great I Am calls for you too.
Hearken to his voice and this do.

Pure and chaste in thought and your act.
Elect and ready, not to be cracked.
For the time is near he'll reveal.
Then everyone will know and kneel.

God repeats that we should repent,
Now that his cup is over spent.
His judgment comes to all who don't.
So make sure your not one that won't.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Eye Single to His Glory & Righteous Defense

 Poem 1 - Eye Single to His Glory

Time will come to drink of the vine.
God approved something else than wine.
Each week head bowed at the table.
Wait for the Lord to enable.

A time spoken of old is here
Fullness of times spoke by each seer.
Listen to the Prophet today
Follow his guidance, do not stray.

Poem 2 - Righteous Defense
The belt of truth around my waist,
Protect my loins by being chaste.
Breastplate of virtue for my heart,
Shielded from being torn apart.

Pair of boots worn to protect feet
along this path, a life long street.
Shield of Faith to cover all me.
Souls defense is coming to be.

A helmet to protect my head,
Are my thoughts or what I have said.
Weapon is Sword of the Spirit.
Word of God we need to hear it.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Instructions of Life & What is a Prophet

 Poem - Instructions of Life

Hooked in vanities of the world
My foolish errors come unfurled.
Showing off my weakness of youth,
Guilty of levity in truth.

We by nature are not evil.
Disobey God's law is lethal.
Fallen away from all that's good.
We can't resolve it, never could.

The Savior resolved it for us.
A return path, a major plus.
With a broken heart your paying,
And contrite spirit your staying.

Poem - What is a Prophet?
Walk into Lord's light with blind eye.
The prophet's voice will clarify.
Reveal original intent,
Of writers that have now long spent.
A prophet, this teacher shows man,
The truth expounded in His plan.
A special witness of the Christ.
Shows us our worth as highly priced.

Knock on Heaven's Door

"Knocking on Heaven's Door" If seekers knock, then truth they'll surely find,   A whisper flows from realms on...