Sunday, February 21, 2021

I See the Witness

 I see the witness

See the Word and hear to know it.
Stand as witness, keep faith, not quit.
With sharpness of thought listen through,
Do you know what's most worth to you?

A voice comes from eternal worlds
With power of heart tell his words.
Bring souls to repent, no falter,
To the kingdom of our Father.

Can you say that your eyes beheld?
Testimony of three upheld.
God's Book of Mormon is declared.
Translated now it can be shared.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Repent, evil plan and prepared to serve

 Repent and go forth

With heavy heart and darkened mind
Results of my actions defined.
Restored, Now to work we must go.
Run faster than strength brings great woe.

Master plan of destruction
Satan's evil plan, distraction.
Inspires against every action.
Can we avoid his deception,
Over doctrine he prefers contention.

Am I prepared to serve
Join this great work of the Lord
First a desire to lift my sword.
Enlighten my mind filled with joy.
Keep commands, help build not destroy.
Now seek the Word in standard works.
Built on the Rock brings many perks.

Knock on Heaven's Door

"Knocking on Heaven's Door" If seekers knock, then truth they'll surely find,   A whisper flows from realms on...