Sunday, April 5, 2020

Part the Vale

Part the Vale
Don't scream and shout
The Lord doesn't work like that.
We have pointers today.
Watch & Listen to what they say.
Etch them in our hearts.
It will replace all the scary parts.
Gain your own witness
It will help remove your weakness.

Life Guidance from Apostles past and present

Life Guidance from Apostles past and present
Has all been done. Nay.
Press Forward in Christ never stray.
Have a perfect brightness of hope.
Love of God and all others is the scope.
Upon the Word of Christ is our feast.
Eternal Life is our goal never decreased.

Saturday, April 4, 2020



It's a life long quest. #HearHim
Start to prepare now. #SeekHim
Heal your heart. #FaithIncreasing
Illuminate your mind. #TruthUnceasing
If ye are prepared. #TestimonyNeeded
Ye shall not fear. #ProphetPleaded

Knock on Heaven's Door

"Knocking on Heaven's Door" If seekers knock, then truth they'll surely find,   A whisper flows from realms on...